I know it is a lot. We are all a bit stressed out right now as we adapt to these strange circumstances. Many of us are working from home, handling childcare and coping with too much time indoors. Others are self-isolating and are alone all day every day. It is a strange time! Here are some tips for dealing with your world right now, no matter where you stand on this spectrum:
1. This is a great time to help others – Reach out to give monetary aid to those that are struggling. You can send groceries to those that need them, post donation links on your social media. Use some of your time to check in on those that are living alone or are elderly or high-risk for the virus. Offer what you can to others in need. It feels great and you are playing a big part in the ripple affect of small actions toward those that need help.
2. Connect with your spiritual and/or religious practice. You can also center yourself regularly through meditation, or just listen to relaxing music while you sit and do nothing for a few minutes. There are lots of free meditations available on YouTube. This form of disconnection is a great reset for your brain, and will have a refreshing effect on your mood and productivity level.
3. Set up times to connect with friends in group zoom calls, or drop in on friends and family using Facetime or other video calling tools. Social distancing does not require emotional distancing. Call that friend or family member that you haven’t spoken to in a while. Reconnect and support each other.
4. Set up a call with coworkers during the work day just to check in. Ditto with other friends that are also working from home. You can even facetime together for a few hours while you work, if your data plan and wifi can handle it.
5. Don’t forget about eating healthy, exercising/stretching, and getting away from the news and internet. Take good care of the body and mind – it’s really crucial to stay in tip top shape and boost your immunity right now.
6. Portion out your screen time, reliance on social media or checking your phone if you tend to default to this when you’re anxious, lonely or bored. This could look like: I will check my phone every hour, or I have 15 minutes every 4 hours to check Instagram or Facebook. Focus on maintaining balance. We are going to be indoors for at least a few more weeks.
7. It’s ok to feel freaked out, sad, all the emotions. It’s a scary time, and these emotions are there. Let them out. Journalling can help with this. We’ll do a video in the near future on a process you can follow.
8. Don’t stay stuck in feeling sad and worried. Let yourself feel the emotions and then move past them eventually. Get really honest about your thoughts, and any negative ones that are coming up. Really think through any negative thoughts that come up. Are they rational and realistic? Are they unnecessary worries over something that you have no control over? You know what they say about worries, and borrowing problems from the future that upset your present.
9. Find something new and fun to do that you enjoy. A new book, show, movie, hobby, new exercise program online or on an app, a new intellectual pursuit like reading up on renaissance history and art, or learning a new language. Look up superlearning, which is a method of learning new things very quickly. Use this time to take your skills to the next level!
Look up the livestreams that are available. Bonus points for finding things that make you laugh!
Lots of people are also giving away free courses on Instagram and other social media. Let me know if you’re interested in any of these, I can post a few here.
10. Spoil yourself with facial masks, candles, new foods, lotions, makeup or that new champagne you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Do a spa day and full manicure/pedicure with that new nail polish you have been wanting to try. There are so many great options here! Savor the things that you have around you, and enjoy them to the fullest!
11. Walk outside barefoot. This uses a technique called grounding that is supposed to be a very natural way of communing with the earth.
12. Download a game or two that allows you to play with others, if you live alone. Or set up a board game in the evening and invite your current ‘coworkers’, both big and small. Make it a little party with all the extra snacks and drinks filling your house right now.
13. Set and follow a regular schedule for self care around the work times in your day! If you ever wanted to do a morning or night routine, or regular exercise or meditation or healthy eating program, now is your time. You’ve got extra time for yourself and any coworkers with you. If you have small kids, put up a schedule and follow it. Kids need routine, no matter how much they might fight it at first. And your body will do better productivity and health wise with the certainty of a routine in the middle of all this global craziness.
14. Organize and declutter your house, office, garage, bathroom, closet, underwear drawer, etc. Start a pile of ‘to donate’ and ‘to throw away’ items. Then pat yourself on the back for tackling such a big job!
15. Karaoke! Singing is a great way to release endorphins and stress, entertain yourself and others, and get some physical activity in. There are some great free karaoke apps online, and amazon sells inexpensive systems that allow you to attach a microphone via bluetooth to your phone to play songs. Go crazy with it and dress up, and have a contest!
I hope you found these tips helpful! What has been your biggest awareness though this outbreak?